

Auntpreneur is a not-for-profit digital platform uniting aspiring female entrepreneurs, seasoned icons, industry experts, and global organizations to empower women and their startups.


At Auntpreneur we understand that globally, women face numerous challenges in setting up or running a business. Here are a few of the obvious ones, but this list if far from exhaustive:

Economic Barriers:

Women have limited access to funding, financial resources, and investment opportunities.

Social Barriers:

Gender stereotypes and societal expectations often undermine women's entrepreneurial capabilities.

Legal Barriers:

In some countries discriminatory laws and practices often prevent women from owning assets and accessing legal support.

Educational Inequalities:

Limited access to education and skill-building opportunities, often hampers women’s ability to start and grow businesses.


Biases and discrimination within business networks and markets hinder women-owned businesses from thriving.

Networking Challenges:

In many traditional societies, women lack access to professional networks and mentorship opportunities that are crucial for business growth.

Work-Life Balance:

The dual burden of managing business and family responsibilities is usually more pronounced for women.

Auntpreneur is dedicated to addressing these challenges by providing a supportive community, access to resources, and opportunities for growth and development. We're committed to leveling the playing field and ensuring that every woman has the chance to succeed in the world of entrepreneurship.


Jump into the Auntpreneur community and be a part of a movement that celebrates and empowers women entrepreneurs.


We connect you with seasoned mentors who can offer guidance and share their wisdom.



Dive into our treasure trove of vlogs, blogs, and tools covering all the business basics.



Get inspired by the success stories of fellow women entrepreneurs who’ve been there and done that.



Join our supportive network where you can share your experiences, get advice, and cheer each other on.


UN Global Compact and
Women Empowerment Principles

At Auntpreneur, we believe in the transformative power of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and their alignment with our mission to empower women entrepreneurs. Here is how the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) intersect with our initiatives:

Visit the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) website for comprehensive information and resources on advancing gender equality in business.

Through Auntpreneurs’ programs and resources, we address poverty eradication by providing women with access to essential resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities, enabling them to achieve economic independence.

Auntpreneurs is committed to promoting gender equality by creating an inclusive ecosystem where women have equal opportunities to thrive in entrepreneurship. We empower women to take on leadership roles, access education and training, and participate in decision-making processes within their businesses and communities.

By fostering entrepreneurship and providing support for women-owned businesses, Auntpreneurs contributes to sustainable economic growth and the reduction of gender disparities in the workforce. We advocate for equal employment opportunities, fair wages, and safe working environments for women entrepreneurs.

Auntpreneurs invests in innovative solutions and infrastructure to create more inclusive and sustainable industries. We support women entrepreneurs in leveraging technology, accessing funding, and building networks to drive economic participation and entrepreneurship.

Auntpreneurs addresses inequalities by promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in entrepreneurship. We strive to ensure that women from all backgrounds have equal access to opportunities, resources, and support services, contributing to their empowerment and social inclusion.

Collaboration is at the heart of Auntpreneurs’ approach to advancing women’s empowerment. We actively seek partnerships with governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders to amplify our impact, foster collective action, and achieve sustainable development outcomes for women entrepreneurs.

SDG 1: No Poverty:

Through Auntpreneurs' programs and resources, we address poverty eradication by providing women with access to essential resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities, enabling them to achieve economic independence.

SDG 5: Gender Equality

Auntpreneurs is committed to promoting gender equality by creating an inclusive ecosystem where women have equal opportunities to thrive in entrepreneurship. We empower women to take on leadership roles, access education and training, and participate in decision-making processes within their businesses and communities.

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

By fostering entrepreneurship and providing support for women-owned businesses, Auntpreneurs contributes to sustainable economic growth and the reduction of gender disparities in the workforce. We advocate for equal employment opportunities, fair wages, and safe working environments for women entrepreneurs.

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Auntpreneurs invests in innovative solutions and infrastructure to create more inclusive and sustainable industries. We support women entrepreneurs in leveraging technology, accessing funding, and building networks to drive economic participation and entrepreneurship.

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

Auntpreneurs addresses inequalities by promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in entrepreneurship. We strive to ensure that women from all backgrounds have equal access to opportunities, resources, and support services, contributing to their empowerment and social inclusion.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Collaboration is at the heart of Auntpreneurs' approach to advancing women's empowerment. We actively seek partnerships with governments, businesses, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders to amplify our impact, foster collective action, and achieve sustainable development outcomes for women entrepreneurs.


Empowering women to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams by providing the support, resources, and inspiration they need to take the crucial steps towards success.


To create a global network where women thrive in entrepreneurship, driving innovation and societal change.



Faiza Hussain

the voice behind Auntpreneur

Profile - Raeda Latif

Raeda Hashim

the co-Founder of Auntpreneur


Zain Hussain

creative perspective at Auntpreneur

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